Saturday, February 5, 2011

How Great Would it Be!

When you are running, unless you are running with someone else, you are left with nothing but the road, the clothes you have on, and your mind.  You let your mind wander, and the best thing you can do is forget that you are actually running then you realize that you don’t know where you have been running or how long since you thought about the fact that you are running.  It’s like a free mile! It’s the best!

            The same thing happens to me when I’m reading the bible, I get so wrapped up in what I’m reading, it’s like a movie playing in my mind, I can see everything and then I look at my phone and have five missed calls and several texts, and I’m left wondering how long I have been reading. 

            How great would it be if we got so lost in everything we did that time was no longer a concern or that dumb technology was forgotten?           

            How great would it be if we could all work like this? If when we were all on mission trips that we just loved what we were doing so much that we get so wrapped up in serving the people who need us that we forgot that we had the most comfortable life back home!
            How great would it be if all college students could get so wrapped up in their studies that no one ever wanted to just sit and hang out but they just constantly wanted to be learning? Never thinking of that comfortable bed that is right above their desk or that new movie that just came out!

            How great would that be?!  If we all did that we could change the world!  People would be serving everyone they came into contact with because they loved serving others!  Every college student would have a 4.0 just because they loved studying!  Every runner would get lost in their runs and forget how long they had been running for!  Every Christian would get so wrapped up in their faith that they could never take their eyes off the eternal prize! JESUS CHRIST!
            How great would that be?! Really though, think about it.  


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