Monday, January 24, 2011

Simple Beauty

            Snow.  Snow flakes.  Skiing.  Sledding.  Snowball fights.  Igloos.  Eskimos.  These are all the things that come to mind when I think of snow.  I never thought when I saw real snow I would think “aha!” running.  

            This past week it snowed here in Arkansas and it was beautiful. It wasn’t the beauty you see when you go skiing.  It was the beauty you see when you tell an awesomely funny joke and all your friends laugh.  It was that simple beauty.

            I ran in that simple beauty.   I had my breath taken away by that simple beauty.   I had that overwhelming feeling that without a doubt God was there, and looking down at the same simple beauty I was looking at.

            But the thing is I see that simple beauty all the time.  I see it in the sunsets.  I see it in the millions of stars.  I see that simple beauty God created to take our breath away all the time.   You do too. 

            I just know that when I go to Nicaragua I am going to see so much more simple beauty that God has put right in front of my face so that I could not miss it.  And I don’t think I could even describe to you how absolutely excited I am!

            God gives us simple beauty to remind us that he is still there and that he will always be there!  He won’t ever stop loving us or ever forget that we are there!

            Which reminds me I did forget to say a few things when I explained this whole process.  You will make your checks out to University Christian Church with a memo of Nicaragua.   Also currently we are working on making this a Non-Profit Organization.  To give you benefits and to make it LEGIT!

            Thank you so much for all of your support! 


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