Friday, May 13, 2011

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
And he will make straight your paths.
Be not wise in your own eyes;
Fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.
It will be healing to your flesh
And refreshment to your bones.”

Proverbs 3:5-8

This is my freshman year…first I would like to say I did learn a few things…but God rocked my world and continually told me he was in control and his plans have been awesome! I cannot wait for my future to be revealed to me!

Approximately 15 of my friends and I decided to camp out for the BAMA game, which meant sleeping on wet grass or hard concrete.  People drove up and down stadium honking and yelling woo pig sooie.  I am a hog fan but 3 in the morning when I am working on 2 hours of sleep from the night before…I think I can live without the woo pig.  We made signs to reserve our spots on the grass, even though we had a 10 person tent, so 15 students lay down their sweat heads for a good nights rest…yeah right, we were woken up at 6 (we went to bed at 4) to a lady walking by saying “Oh, look they made name tags!” Click, she took a picture.  The game was mediocre, we lost, and I was dead tired for the second half.  Talk about testing patience.

Story 2:
My roommate Mal and I go to bed pretty early, at least for a good part of freshman year.  We would get in bed by 11 at the latest, well our neighbors went to bed at the earliest 2 in the morning.  So consequently they would come into the room and wake us up.  One night Shelbz came in with a MONUMENTAL problem…She did not know who she was going to take to our upcoming function…I asked if we needed to solve that problem now, when she replied no, I told her to get out and we would talk about it at a later date.  

Story 3:
I just said bye to Shelbz, and she just landed in Chicago and our goodbye was funny, she ran out of the room when she teared up which caused me to tear up and then gave me a bottle of laxatives…long story short one night, one late night at about 2 we decided to order this acai berry cleanse, which we later come to find out is a laxative, the next day we are still laughing about this incidence and then when we check our bank accounts we are out $45…oops.  Don’t worry we never took them and we got our money back after many calls to the company.

I could go on with so many more stories but I’ll stop.  Freshman year has been an experience.  From knowing no one, to having 10 friends I can call at any point and they would come over.  God has done so many things in my life and he is doing wonderful things all around me. 

His path isn’t going to be the easiest path to take but it’s the right one, and it is the one I want to be on.  It leads me straight to him! Think about that one, God’s path leads us straight to him, duh, and it’s great!


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