Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Karen People

“Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good?  But even if you should suffer for what is right you are blessed.  ‘Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened.’  But in your hearts sat apart Christ as Lord.  Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asked you to give the reason for the hope that you have.  But do this with gentleness and respect keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavios in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.  If is better, if it is God’s will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil.”
1 Peter 3:13-17

The Karen people are a tribe living in western Thialand.  I was reading a book when I came across a story about them so I decided I would do a little research of my own. 

There are many different subgroups of the Karen one group in particular wears the rings around their necks, which don’t actually lengthen their neck, but make their collar bones almost become part of their neck (at least that is my understanding of it).  There are many theories on why they do this, one being the rings prevent the women from being bitten by a tiger…that’s personally my favorite theory.  Another one is that they wear the rings, because a longer neck is more attractive which will bring the hotties to them.

Most Karen used to be Animist but most are now Buddhist.  However 15% are now Christians!  The Karen also have a story of how they are unable to get to God:
“The Karen believe they are the oldest son of God.  God had seven sons.  The next was the Burmese, the Chinese, etc.  They believe that the white brother is the youngest.  The Karen are a slash and burn culture, and one day when they were clearing out their field, God came and told them he was going on a long journey across the ocean.  He asked the Karen if they wanted to go with Him.  The Karen told Him that he was too busy.  God asked each of the brothers, but they all declined to go, except for the youngest brother, the white brother.  God and the White brother went far away across the sea.
When they got to their destination God wrote a book and sent it back to the Karen to tell him how to get where God was.  When Karen got it, he was still busy clearing the field, so he put it on a stump.  Forgetting it was there, he burned the field and lost the book.  Ever since, the Karen have mourned the loss of the book.  They also foretold that one day their white brother would return from across the sea and sit under a tree with a book and tell them how to get to God.”
Expert from Passion for the Heart of God by John Willis Zumwalt

Well one day a missionary stepped off a boat…sat down under a tree…with his bible!!!  This is awesome!  It's true!!  15% of the Karen are now Christians because this one missionary sat down and read his bible (normal). 

This story also has a good lesson.  How often are you too busy to read God’s awesome word.  I mean I’m guilty of this.  I have finals this coming week and 5 papers due Monday, so I have placed God’s wonderful word on a stump and left it there.  But God should be our priority, God should be our number one!  After all he did create us (in his image I’d like to add).

The Karen are actively pursuing their faith in a land where the government keeps close watch on Christians, many ministers have been killed, and churches have been burned.  We live a safe Christian faith too often.  

Who is going to harm you for wanting to do good?  Sure people are going to talk about you but what about heaven, when we all GET to bow down to the creator of the universe, have him judge us, then say but you are saved and I LOVE YOU!  

When are you going to risk everything for God and his people?

When am I?


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