Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Running for Change

I was at church camp two summers ago and we had a woman named Laurie talk to us.  She had gone on several mission trips; the one she was telling us about was to Managua, Nicaragua. 

Laurie was telling us about how children, parents, babies, human beings were living on the city-dumping site of Managua.  These people were eating, wearing, and making their houses out of the things they found on the dump. 

Laurie then told us about an organization called Out of the Dump (  This organization works on getting these families out of the dump by providing an opportunity to start over or just start up.

But it’s not easy.  The families commit to 7 years, in those 7 years, they build their own house, the parents take parenting classes, pick a profession, and the kids have to stay in school and attend longer school days.

She told us a specific story about how this little boy offered up his little house, which was everything he had, to two women he had just met.  Little kids who are so thankful for everything they have and are willing to give everything up to people they just met. 

Ever since I heard about this place I have not gone a day without thinking about it and just wanting to help them. 

So I started planning a mission trip, with the help of the outreach minister at my home church.  We have now booked this mission trip, and are set to go to Managua, Nicaragua July 26-August 2 this summer!!!

Now comes the hard part, paying for it.

I’ve set a goal to run 600 miles between now and the day we leave and hope that you will make your contributions based on that.

If you feel called to donate, please email me at  In the email please let me know how much you can donate.  Feel free to email me if you have any questions.

The first donation will be taken up after I run the Rock and Roll Marathon in Nashville on April 30, 2011.  By that time we will have a P.O. Box set up that’ll make it easier and more convenient for you to make your donation.

Please consider this opportunity with an open heart and know that I’ll provide regular updates to keep you posted on how many miles I’ve run and where they are taking me.

I am running for change…literally. 


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