Monday, August 22, 2011

God's Gifts

“If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in Heaven give good things to those who ask him!”

Matthew 7:11

Well I am shaking and very overwhelmed with what I am about to tell you! Because I just got off the phone with some people who told me some incredible news! I am not sure how to tell y’all this because it is just so wonderful.

I have been asking God to show me where he wanted me to serve him, He’s already showed me all the ways I can serve him in the Chi Omega house…but this is so awesome and I get to personally be involved. 

I guess I should tell you now…

My next marathon is in Disney World (The one in Florida). 

Ha that’s not the incredible news though…The incredible news is this…

WE, together, get to grant a wish for Make-A-Wish through this marathon. 

Since I wasn’t very good about logging my mileage last go around, things are going to go a little differently…you will only pledge to the 26.2 miles of the actual marathon and there will be a email I will send out that will tell you so much more and it will have a way for you to donate directly to our specific kid!

Isn’t this wonderful?!

Jesus wasn’t lying when he said the Father will give you GREAT gifts.


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