Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Great Adventure

“Then he said to him, ‘FOLLOW ME!’”

John 21:19b

I love it when Jesus says follow me.  I truly do.  And he tells us to each and every day!

He desires for us to follow him!…and when we follow him whole heartedly he takes us on a great adventure. 

Each run I go on is an adventure. God takes me up hills that I would not be able to conquer without him giving me the strength.  God shows me his glory in all the trees I am surrounded by.  God places things on my heart while I am running.

I want to go on the greatest adventure I can think of…which means that it will be 5374284732 times better than what I can actually think of because God is in charge!

I am going on an adventure with and for God! How ballin’ is that?!

When I follow God wholeheartedly he takes me on the adventure of a lifetime, he throws me on a rollercoaster, he sends me places I don’t want to go, he puts me in the most awkward situations, he leads me down roads that seem never ending, he is right beside me the whole way!

Heavenly Father! Take me on the great adventure that is my life!

Check it:

This wish that we will be granting will be one of the greatest adventures, not only I have gone on but one that this little boy or girl will never forget.  
