Monday, July 25, 2011


“Only be careful, and watch yourselves so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart for as long as you live.  Teach them to your children and their children after them.”

Deuteronomy 4:9

Tonight I will pack.

Tonight my mom will come in 50000000 times to remind me that I can only have one little baggie of liquid in my carry on.

Tonight I will not be able to sleep.

Tonight I will praise my GOD who is beyond wonderful!

Tomorrow I will wake up at 3:30 a.m.

Tomorrow my dad will be stressing as we leave the house.

Tomorrow I will cry tears of joy.

Tomorrow will be a day I will never forget.


In less than 5 hours I will wake up to leave my house for the airport to fly down to Nicaragua, a place I have thought about everyday for two years.  I can’t put in words how overjoyed I am. 

I remember the day I started to plan this mission trip.  I got back from camp and instantly showed my mom Project Chacocente's website and told her that I was going to go on a mission trip there and that my small group had decided to plan a mission trip there.


Words could not describe how excited I am.  Tears could not show how overjoyed I am.  Shouts of praise could only begin to show how wonderful our God is.  

I am going to Nicaragua.  Tomorrow. 

As we are down there please keep us in your prayers!



Monday, July 11, 2011

Off the Dump

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.  The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”

2 Corinthians 5:17

Project Chacocente (Out of the Dump) works to get people off the dumping sites of Managua, Nicaragua.  However the people are not just handed their houses nor do they receive a pat on the back, they have to work for it.  These people who live on the dumps are offered the opportunity of a lifetime to get off the dump and start a new life.  They have to commit to seven years; in the seven years they help to build their own house, the parents pick a profession so they can provide for themselves, the kids have to be in school, and the parents have to take a parenting class.

Just as these people have the chance to get off the dump so do we. 

No.  I do not mean literally.  We have the chance to say “Alright, Jesus you are my Lord and Savior and the rest of my life I am going to serve you and bow down to only you, giving you all of my praises each day.” 

We have the chance to do that!  And the second we do that we become new again!  How awesome is that? 

But, uh oh, there’s a catch…

You see, we don’t commit to seven years, or building our own homes.  No, we get to commit to a lifetime in which we are so unworthy of having.  A lifetime of service.  A lifetime in which we should sing praises to our awesome and all powerful GOD each and every second of each and every day!  

And what’s even better…is that is exactly what God wants.  He wants to be your God and he wants you to be a new creation because, well, sometimes we just have too much trash.

And here’s a secret…

Lean in real close…

No seriously do it.

Are you ready?

In Christ, you’re a new creation.  Meaning you’re off that dumping site. 

Love everyone.  Serve God.  Be a new creation.  Today.
