Monday, April 18, 2011

It's Not A Chore

I started running track because sprinting was about even with flipping through the air on the scale of how awesome I felt, I felt like nothing could stop me.

I ran the Cowtown Marathon last year to prove to my friends that I could actually do it.

Completing the marathon was one of the greatest and worst feelings ever.  I was able to say heck yeah I ran 26.2 miles but best of all afterward my parents took me to Babes where I was able to give my body triple the calories I burned from the marathon.  But at the exact same time all I wanted to do was lay down and not get up, and never run again.

I started running again because I wasn’t doing it for myself or to prove my friends wrong.

I was doing it for the people of Managua, Nicaragua who need real food and real homes.

I was doing it for all the people around the world who don’t have clean water.

I was doing it because I wanted to make a difference.

But then it turned into a chore, oh well I need to go run 10 miles so that I’ll be able to run 26.2 May 1st

I love running.

I love helping people.

I don’t want either of those to be a chore.

What I am saying is that I am not going to be running the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon May 1.  However, I will still be running 600 miles by the time July 26 rolls around. 

I don’t want this to be a chore and I want to be doing it for the right reasons.  Knowing that I am not going to have to run a marathon in 2 weeks is a big relief.  Knowing that I can just run because I want to and because I am, hopefully, somewhere, making a difference.

I am still running for the people of Managua, Nicaragua that I will get to have my life changed by this summer.

I am still running for the people all around the world who don’t have clean water.

I am still running to make a difference…hopefully.

The only difference is there will be no marathon involved, just a goal of 600 miles.
